ERGO TECHNIQUE specializes in supporting clients with Real Estate Purchase & Sale Process Consulting with the implementation of Technical Due Diligence (TDD), in the development of Business Plans from the finding of the Site to the implementation of Master Plan and the Technical Financial File of Investment Plans, in the process of Building Permits, Technical Supervision, Project Management of Technical Projects and the design and installation of Industrial Βuildings, Logistics centers, Office Complexes and Special Equipment.
ERGO TECHNIQUE is a modern and powerful technical company which is active in a wide range of projects such as Industrial Buildings & Logistic Warehouses, E/M installations, Hotel Units, Commercial Offices, Industrial Facilities, Special Projects.
In cooperation with the engineers and technicians who frame our human resources, in ERGO TECHNIQUE we are able to cope with any kind of simple or specialized requirement with absolute know-how and methodology offering high value & quality services.